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Profit by unlocking the potential of your network

Wi-Fi is essential in the retail sector to run IoT devices, video cameras, sensors, smart tablets used by employees, as well as provide access to Guest Wi-Fi. VISIBEEL gives you the monitoring tools and optimization power to maximize performance.

Monitor all connected devices to enhance Wi-Fi performance

    VISIBEEL monitors and analyzes the impact of devices on your network, such as IoT devices, sensors and cameras and maximizes performance of each device.

Use customer footfall data to optimize space management and increase sales

    VISIBEEL captures the movement of shoppers in the store and reveals their preferences.

    • Empower your marketing and sales strategies with customer insights.

    • Provide customers with a personalized shopping experience with store navigation, timely information and alerts.

Improve and optimize the quality of your network from the end-user perspective

    VISIBEEL monitors traffic and usage patterns and predicts congestion in your network using predictive analytics.

    • View heat maps that show problematic areas based on hourly or daily activities so as to address interference and congestion issues ahead of time.

    • Plan your network with information such as the necessary number of access points and their ideal locations as well as the channel assignments and the bandwidth necessary to support your network.

Build internal technology competence with insights from IT operations

    VISIBEEL provides your IT teams an end-to-end service view.

    • Easily establish control over your network , for instance in large stores, warehouses, etc.

    • Identify and rank performance across distributed branches in order to optimize network capacity-planning.

Instant deployment, device-agnostic

    Ambeent’s solutions are fully vendor agnostic. They are not dependent on end-user hardware and can interoperate with all types of devices, access points and industry standard platforms.

    VISIBEEL endpoint agents are deployed via our patented SaaS application that is installed on the end-user device. The endpoint agents link to the VISIBEEL web portal and instantly provide your network team with real-time data.

    Integrate the Ambeent SDK into an application owned by your organization, or have end-users download the Ambeent App on mobile devices or on computers through Google Play or Apple App Store. Deploy browser-based plugins on computers to monitor application performance of end-users in real-time.